April 1, 2010

April Fools

But seriously. I woke up with a ring on my finger. I'm gettin' hitched.


karly said...

ah!! best non-april fools non-joke eva!

rachel said...

Ha ha! That's amazing! Your ring looks really pretty.

The Price Family said...

I want to say congratulations but since this is April fool's day my gut tells me this is not real. . .

The Jessups said...

I just don't know what to believe. IF so, CONGRATS!! Such a pretty ring, too!

Matt said...

What in the DEVIL??

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

I've tried leaving a comment a billion times on this post... what the heck?

anyway...woot, woot

Annie said...

right hand ring?

j,d and little b said...

Hmmmmm it is on your right hand.....???? I think it's April Fools

Jared Zane said...

Are you serious? COngrats! Funny thing, Zane proposed to me on March 31st so when I told people I was engaged on April 1st not many people believed me. If you really aren't April Fooling, I am super excited for you!

Rachel said...

cool! Congratulations! Conor is really handsome. You look really good together.

Ashley said...

Oh man best news! I am so happy for you that I had to comment on your blog and your facebook!

shelly said...


Ali said...

whaaaa? i didn't even know you were dating anyone! ha! congrats!

now we can really kiss white trash days goodbye.

Ashley Nicole said...

I like it!!

Bebe McGooch said...

Congratulations!! This is Rachel Formerly Colton, btw. I saw the good news on FB, and came over to see your blog.

I love the lens you view life through. I miss being around someone like you. Take care!