May 17, 2010

Nubby Twiglet

Meeting with this girl on Wednesday.
I am wrapping up my last semester at Mt. Hood in the integrated media graphic design program! This week I get to meet with several graphic designers around the area to interview, get feedback and ask questions about the real world. If you follow Nubby at all you know she is an awesome graphic designer and trend setter. She also happens to have graduated from the Mt. Hood integrated media program as well! I am super excited about this week!

*When I told my mom I was meeting with "Nubby Twiglet" she suggested I operate under the pseudonym "Curly Wiglet" for all of my graphic design endeavors - so full of good ideas!

1 comment:

shelly said...

"Curly Wiglet"! Hahaha! Very clever. And, did you notice that the dog is laughing??