July 11, 2011

He's a boy! (20 weeks)

tumm3Up until the last three weeks I have been thinking this little Chick Nug was a girl. Then one day I woke up and had a realization that this wasn't no girl. This was a boy. And boy oh boy was I excited. Everyone always asks, "So, what do you want it to be?" I guess I sort of wanted it to be a girl. I don't know why. Maybe because I am one? I thought that would be easier to deal with for my first time around? But once I got to see this little guy move around and do his tricks I knew he was the right baby for me. I am in love. Our little guy is already finding ways of entertaining us while in the womb. While watching him on the monitor he rolled, kicked, smacked his lips and then wound up and punched himself in the face. It was hilarious. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing the whole time we were looking at him. HIM! I love that I can say "him" instead of "it". So now the new question everyone is always asking is, "So, do you have any names picked out yet?" And we do. We have a couple that we absolutely full heartedly love and agree on. But, we are going to let this little guy come into the world before we pin any name on him. Right now we lovingly refer to him as Baby or Chicken Nugget... or Tugwell. Don't ask where Tugwell came from. It's just a funny name for that funny valentine in my tummy.
OH AND!! Looks like our due date is sooner than we thought! Nov. 23. Yes! That shaved a whole week off! I wish it were tomorrow!


Brit said...

How fun! :) congrats!

janis said...

That's so exciting! Biggest congratulations!

On a different note, I was looking at those wedding photos you posted on facebook. I can't remember if I've seen them before, but they sure are beautiful!

Heather said...

Boys are THE BEST!

joanna wilde said...

Congrats! Boys are lots of fun! (I'm sure girls are too...) ;-) can't wait until we get to see you two again. Good luck with everything!

carissa said...

aw! congratulations... he sounds like a real cutie... and i think if there are any future girls to come, they will be glad to have a big brother.

Cassandra Dias said...

Congrats! So exciting :)

girluntitled said...

i absolutely love that photo of your belly. congrats erin and conor!

Klissa said...

Such a cute photo! I am ready for chick nug and the wild ride he will bring to our family!!

Rebecca Waldron said...

Hooray! Congrats!

mmelledge said...

can chick nug come to SLC one day?

amanda jane said...

yay! such good news!

Paige Bischoff said...

Yeah baby! Can not wait to rub your belly! Miss you two! Let's skype soon!

Ponolicious said...

hey! Dats my day too....cheehoo where are you?

Shelly said...

Congratulations! There's really nothing quite as wonderful as a little boy:) Especially for your firstborn.