September 1, 2011

Happy Anniversary Darling!

Dearest Conor, This year has been amazing. Thank you for everything and for being my best friend.e+cblog_057September- We got married in the Portland Oregon Temple and started our lifelong journey together. We were sealed for time and all eternity in a small ceremony in front of our closest friends and family. The day was beautiful and memorable and everything we had hoped it would be. We enjoyed a simple honeymoon in Palm Springs and then quickly moved to Hawaii where we set up our first home together. I have the fondest memories of that month and sometimes wish I could relive it again and again.ErinandConnor_0057cropOctober- We started to make friends - good friends. It was exciting. For Halloween I cut my bangs way too short so I could be Audrey Hepburn and you were Buddy Holly. We surfed and ate a lot. We also started to show each other our true colors, which only made us fall more in love. IMG_2853November- November was exciting. I think we finally felt like we belonged in Hawaii and we were pretty comfortable living together. Thanksgiving was a treat! I loved getting into the holidays with you, you know it is my favorite time of year.IMG_3601December- Oh, our first Christmas together! SO much fun! I can't tell you how many times I imagined waking up next to my best friend on Christmas morning, making a yummy breakfast and opening gifts. I finally got what I always wanted!teepee002January- We spent a lot of time with friends and at the beach. I started a new job and you got in to another semester of school. We started talking about starting a family - it was scary but the best kind of scary. We also spent a lot of time hulled up in our room watching episodes of Prison Break. January was a good month. DSC_0259February- I jetted off to Las Vegas for work and left you for the first time since we had been married. We celebrated Valentines Day with friends, and I turned 26 years old! You organized a surprise party which I found out about before hand so we had to hide in our closet and surprise our guests instead. EJM1blogMarch- We survived the great Tsunami that was so devastating in Japan. We packed up our home and stayed in the hills all night waiting for disaster to strike. Luckily it didn't. You were so calm and made me feel safe. Not long after that we found out I was pregnant. That's when I sort of checked out for the next two months. Screen shot 2011-08-08 at 1.19.51 PMApril- April was difficult. I think I spent most of it in bed with you bringing me crackers and over the toilet while you held my hair back. I don't know how we managed to get that photo above. I was sick. Sicker than sick. I still remember paddling out and thinking, "what in the world am I doing in a dress on a surf board... and why is my husband catching every wave in this entire ocean?? I should be in bed or puking or something..." I watched more Law and Order in April than a lot of other people could watch in a lifetime. IMG_0349May- May was yet another difficult month. You handled it like a pro. Some of our good friends moved away and my grandma passed away. I was still very sick and spending lots of time in bed. I don't know how you managed to keep me so happy and content and the house so clean and still get all of your school work done. You are amazing. I can't thank you enough. tumm3June- We headed off the island for weddings and family time. Spending time at Bear Lake in your grandma's old home, eating milk shakes everyday and swinging on the big swing was the best way to recover from months of feeling like crap. Flying standby was a joke and we learned never to do that again. California was so much fun, I always feel at home when we are visiting your family.
(17)_MG_5376July- We celebrated the 4th of July (still stuck in California). My tummy started to get bigger and we found out we were having a boy. You turned 25 years old and we spent the day in Waikiki surfing and eating. I officially got my appetite back and we went on some fun dates. E+C_037August- We went on some fun picnics and made lots of dinners together. I left for about two weeks to visit my family and shop for baby things on the mainland. I couldn't believe how much I missed you. I didn't expect to get all sappy and run into your arms crying when I saw you at the airport. But Conor, you are just that great... I don't know why I don't do it every time I see you! We will be celebrating our first year of marriage tomorrow and I can't wait for our fun little get away that you have planned. You are my best friend and I love you. Thank you for the best year of my life.
Love Janey
To see more wedding photos click here and here, and here.


Douglas said...

you guys are the best. nice post jane!

Jill Lau said...

Congratulations you guys and very cute post. I really love the baby quilt too!!

T.RIPPY said...

I'm crying

Sylvia-Louise said...

Has it been a year already? So glad you're a part of our family. You two are adorable!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

Congrats. Happy marriages always makes me happy.

Arica said...

you guys kill me in the best way. i love reading about you two because it feels so real. relatable.

when looking at this andrew randomly informed me, "conor, that guy can play some amazing softball" yet another reason you guys are totally awesome.

enjoy the anniversary, they start blinking by so fast. (:

abby said...

This was the sweetest year of recollection. You guys are really beautiful together.

janis said...

To be perfectly honest - this made me a little teary eyed too! So sweet & honest. Congratulations you two. I'm so excited for you lovebirds to become parents! :)


californiacheryl said...

...........and the honeymoon continues. you are truly blessed! and i am thankful that you are in my life. you are so special to me!

Lindsay Rondo said...

very sweet post.
happy anniversary! looks like a great year.

Chantel said...

that was an adorable little month/month post! looove it!