November 27, 2008

For my Friend Annie

Dear Annie, I would have just emailed these pictures to you but for some reason my hotmail account would rather have me share them with you on my blog. I hope you are having a beautiful Thanksgiving day with Greg and Family! I think of you often and I am forever thankful that I got to know Gavin and learn from him and share so many FUNNNN times with him. These pictures are from two years ago. It was a beautiful day and of course none of the guys wore shirts to dinner! This was my first and last attempt at making my own Thanksgiving dinner. It turned out better than I could have hoped for but the company was the best part! Hope you enjoy! Love Jane


Annie Link said...

Oh Erin!!! These are priceless--and MADE my Thanksgiving!

There are so many little things here that are precious to me. I can't actually see his mouth in that second pic, but I CAN see it in my mind. That cute little way he'd partially smile with his lips pursed while he ate something he really loved. . .

I wonder what book that is he was reading at the time?

THANKS for sharing these!! I love you.

Erin Jane said...

OH- THE BOOK?! He was carrying around the Spanish-English dictionary! HAHA! With the front cover torn off... oh Gavin...

Natalie. said...

I can't stop crying looking at these! Thank YOU!