December 1, 2010

Christmas at the Riley's and GIVEAWAY

IMG_1733IMG_1706IMG_1736IMG_1732This Christmas I will be my little heart out. In the Riley house we actually don't really call it D.I.Y. .. rather we (Conor) likes to say D.I.C. as in "DO IT (RIGHT NOW) CONOR!!!" Whatever. Just because I made him pull a tree trunk out of the ground and carry it home doesn't mean I can't do anything myself. By the way I am selling our driftwood wreath (bottom picture) on etsy (click here). If you would like the chance to win a smaller version of this wreath leave a comment below! Make sure your comment can be connected back to you so we can contact you if you win! Give away winner will be announced Monday December 6th. MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Lisa Gurney said...

I love this wreath! It's beautiful! And yay for prizes! (ps. This is Lisa)

sharalee prang said...

oh my. i think i love christmas at your house. the wreath is amazing.
i want to talk to you about some editing stuff...don't let me forget.

kylie said...

i wanna wiiiin

j,d and little b said...

Awesome Erin! Love your shop!

Ponolicious said...

how do i win?

Unknown said...

Love your blog ! Thank you for the giveaway :-)

Ashley Dudley said...

give it to me!!!

Maria and Vincent said...

Cool wreath :-) would like to have it for Christmas !


jezebel said...

haha connor sounds great. can't wait to meet him (some day). also I agree with ashley... GIVE ME THAT WREATH

size too small said...

i think DIY Christmases are always nicest.

Me said...

oooooo pick me, I miss hawaii! Marvin and I are thinking about moving back and its only been 5 months since our move to washington!

miss christine said...

hey, first time dropping by your blog. it's real creative, i love it! that wreath is beautiful!

Janelle said...

i AM coming to visit you this weekend... so i think maybe I should get that baby...

tinabutter said...

Ok ok I don't really know you but I just love your blog and your style.

And the wreath!

Sylvia-Louise said...

You're so dang talented & creative! Glad you're a part of the family.


Arica said...

you KNOW i want in on this..

wer said...

Umm I want that card with the horse on it! Really.

Rachel said...

I think your wreath is amazing! But, don't pick me to win, because shipping is too expensive to Spain. Save your money.

Al said...

how pretty and simple... makes me feel peaceful inside :)

californiacheryl said...

You are both so creative.
Wish you could come help me decorate my house this year!