March 29, 2011

Tuesday Track

IMG_1691I have been feeling a bit under the weather lately and have been focusing all of the little energy I have on keeping my head above water with all of my recent projects. So much to do. So little time. The bright side is that I love what I am doing.
A few weeks ago Conor and I were on a lousy movie rampage. I think we watched every stupid movie ever made. But, I found one of my new favorite songs on "The Romantics" soundtrack. Listen to the song, don't bother with the movie.


Paige Bischoff said...

Love the song! Sorry you have so much to do! Only 10 more days and then I can play non stop! Love you!

kirst said...

i love this too! have you heard their song 12:59 lullaby yet? it's my FAVORITE!

kirst said...

BirdieMann said...

Love it. Just downloaded it.

Ali said...

ummm ive watched that movie like 4 times in the past two weeks. it is so dumb, but i keep watching.

Lindsay said...

my thoughts on the movie + song were 110% spot-on, exactly.. the same.