June 30, 2011

Is it a boy or a girl?

And our vacation continues... whether we want it to or not. We just can't seem to get home. Flying standby to Hawaii in the middle of the summer is NEVER a good idea. I don't recommend it to anyone. We were fortunate enough to get ourselves all the way back down to San Diego to spend more time hanging out with Conor's parents and seeing more of our dear friends and family. The unfortunate part is that we had to miss our doctors appointment that would let us know the gender of this child. Oh well, all in due time, right? To pass some of the time here I have been finding little projects to work on to prepare for baby. This book (above) has some really cute and REALLY simple ideas for sewing. I am a big fan of Lotta. She can do no wrong. I am also finding that there are quite a few really cute things out there that are gender neutral. I think if Conor didn't want to know so bad right now I could probably go my whole pregnancy without finding out.


rachel said...

Yeah Delta standby has been extra awful this summer. It took us 5 days to get home from Europe. I love Lotta.

Stephanie said...

Oh I love Lotta! All her books/projects are so doable without seeming cheap or cheesy. And what a great name too. Good luck getting home!

Annie said...

i can't wait to see what you make! you are fantastic and i love you.