September 22, 2011

Baby Boy (31 weeks)

Conor was in a bit of an altercation this week with an angry Samoan man who threatened to punch him in the face. And no, Conor didn't deserve it, he simply asked the man a question. I guess at 8 months pregnant I am a bit mouthy and supposedly told the man what I thought of his threats and where he could go with them. I say, "I guess" because about 10 minutes later I had forgotten that I said anything at all and was talking about the situation as if I was just a mere witness. That is until my friends reminded me that I had a few very loud things to say to the man. This made me laugh hysterically. 8 months pregnant = mouthy + forgetful! Not a good combo. And Conor wants me to include this last picture because he likes it. I guess it is proof that I still have ankles - something I certainly do not have every night when I go to bed. 31_3


Lindsay Rondo said...

Hey, I say be mouthy because no one will mess with a pregnant woman. And your dress print and your ankles look great!

rachel said...

I remember when a Samoan threatened to punch me in the face for saying "not the mama".....Your baby bump is adorable. I love that dress.

girluntitled said...

oooh the joys of hawaii life! i can't imagine anyone ever wanting to punch conor's face...that's hilarious

Mariko said...

Wish we had a video of it. Sounds great.
I forgot to tell you how I almost fell out of my chair laughing about your making a baby blackboard photo story. Best post ever. I was lucky enough to stumble into it.

Natalie said...

Haha, I think it's a good thing to have the forgettfulness along with the mouthy-ness, that way you don't have to feel embarrassed or guilty after!

I really love your blog, it's so full of nice photos and funny stories, it really stands out from a lot of the others I sometimes read.

Meagan said...

Congratulations on the Baby! You look great!