May 24, 2011

...and We're Expecting! (14 weeks)

The time has come to let the cat out of the bag. My little tummy is starting to show and I believe all of my close friends and family already know. So there it is. The REAL reason I haven't been feeling well or blogging or doing much of anything. I'm sure a lot of you already put two and two together but here it is officially. We are now three months along - due Nov 29th! At our appointment today we got to hear baby's heart beating loud and clear! I have been dying to hear that sound for... well, since the last time I heard it which was about a month ago. I just wish I could hear it everyday.

Conor has been great these last few months. Bringing me breakfast in bed, holding my hair back while I puke, packing me snacks when I leave the house so I don't get too hungry. Oh, did I forget to mention all of the grocery store runs, and the doing of dirty dishes and all of the preparing of meals that he did? How did I get so lucky to have someone so great? I seriously had NO IDEA how hard the first few months of pregnancy could be. I really thought it was going to be a walk in the park. I guess I have just never spent time with a pregnant person before because there were about a thousand things that I didn't even know were THINGS until now. Like how can you sleep soooo much and still feel soooo tired? HOW? And how can you be so happy and then all of the sudden start crying your eyes out like there is no tomorrow? HOW? Luckily, I feel like those days are slowly fading away. I'm still a bit tired but not all that sick. And my appetite is back. And I can stand looking at a computer screen again. And I am just so freaking excited to hold this little baby in my arms that I just can't sit still anymore! So.. I'm off.

PS I can't wait to see a lot of YOU (my dear friends and family) in about a week and a half! We are counting down the seconds!


Arica said...

congratulations, you! so exciting! you'll make a super cutie pregnant lass for sure.(:

janis said...

Ah! Congratulations! So so exciting!!!

Logan and Jennilee said...

We are so excited to see you guys in a week or so! Im so excited to see your little belly! Congrats!

DaisyJo said...

How exciting, congrats!

Kae said...

woohoo! congrats!

Paige Bischoff said...

YEAH! I love chick nug!

girluntitled said...

yay! i was waiting for this post. now i don't hafta take the secret to the grave...phewf that's a load off my back!

congrats! have i ever mentioned that i think you and conor make a handsome couple? welp, you do...and the baby's prolly gonna be equally handsome, if not more.

i'm jealous that baby's first few years of life will be spent in hawaii though...maybe i can convince ben to be unemployed like me and we'll make a comeback! miss ya!

Heather said...

This is the most wonderful thing I've heard for a while! I'm SO SO SO SO SO excited and happy for you!

Ashley said...

Yea! Such great news. The first few months ARE rough, but the next 3 are so so much better. Can't wait to hear what you are having. So happy for you.

BirdieMann said...

Congratulations!! So excited to watch everything wonderful unfold for you on the blog!

Meghan said...

Oh Erin Jane! I remember the day you told me you were ready for kids, and now it's come! How exciting. I'm so thrilled for you two. This is simply wonderful!

Rebecca Waldron said...

Hooray! Congrats. Look at that cute little bean shaped baby. I'm super excited for you!

wer said...

Wahoo! Congrats! We can't wait to hang in a few weeks.

Maria said...

:-))) so happy for you !!!

I was born on Nov 29th :-))

kylie said...

CONGRATS ERIN JANE! i had no idea! you didn't tell me haha. but i'm excited for you. how awesome.

joanna wilde said...

Congrats you two! That's exciting news! Sorry you're not feeling too well. No fun!

Erin Jane said...

thank you everyone for the nice comments! we are over the moon excited!

Cassandra Dias said...

Oh my gosh! I clicked on your latest "Hobo Dinners" post on my dashboard and when I scrolled down and saw the last photo, I was like, 'Wait...did i miss something?' lol Congrats Erin! This is such exciting news!

carissa said...

congratulations! what an exciting time. happy for you!

Kendal Jessup Photography said...

HOOOORAY Erin Jane!! So exciting! Congrats on the big news! Can't wait to hear the gender!

Ashley Aikele said...

Hmmmm.... I was wondering if this was the case. With all the online absence plus the last thing you guys said to us when we left was how you wanted to make a baby :) Congrats! How exciting!

Anna K. said...

Yay! That is awesome! I am so excited for you guys! :)

Nathan Williams said...

whoop whoop.

Nathan Williams said...

can't wait to see him/her