August 28, 2011

Our weekend (28 weeks)

Long weekend filled with work, long naps and lots of episodes of 24 (yeah, I know I'm a little late on that bandwagon - but boy is it good!). We ordered pizza from the Impossibles Pizza Truck at Sharks Cove with some really good friends and ate till our tummies couldn't hold another bite. Mine in particular was rather FULL! Not much room left in there. A little less than three months now and we will have a little human to take care of.


kylie said...

i like this picture

Unknown said...

You cute pregnant lady.

Meghan said...

you look great, erin :)

Klissa said...

Curses Sharks Cove! You scare me everytime!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

what a cute pregnant person you are my goodness.