September 7, 2011

Baby Mobile

We set up our crib this morning and I made this little mobile to hang above baby's head. Believe it or not but our nursery/office/bedroom isn't all that crowded. It actually looks pretty nice if I do say so myself. Anyone have any great suggestions for storage and keeping organized with a new baby? I would love to hear it.


Elise / Pennyweight said...

how thoughtful and lovely... it's perfect!

Amanda Jane Jones said...

this is really beautiful...

K*8*E said...

He'll love it...

j,d and little b said...


Ashley Dudley said...

ahhhhh miss you!

Kristen said...

Little guy won't notice it for a while, but it looks oh so good!

I have a million tips for dwelling and staying organized with kids/babes in small spaces. For starters, don't buy anything that you don't need (ex. wipe warmers, changing table, etc). Email anytime:)

Look up the alma crib by bloom baby.

carissa said...

so pretty! i love it.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

I agree with Kristen, simplify your life! Don't buy anything you don't absolutely need. Buy a very limited amount of baby clothes. it's hard because everything is so cheap and so cute but trust me buy only a couple things. In fact just get white onesies and tie-dye them, BAM! instant style. And then go to Ikea.